• Reflections on a Digital Policy and Regulation “under one roof”

    What kind of governance does Austria need on the path to innovation leadership? 4 December 2023 In this study, the authors (Prof. Nikolaus Forgó, Prof. Katja Hutter, and Georg Serentschy) outline the proposed target state of the Austrian public authority landscape and its responsibilities. In a section written by Prof. Forgó, he describes the relevant…

  • Digital Infrastructure Resilience and Security Policy Implications and Mitigation Measures

    06 May 2024 White Paper By Dr. Georg Serentschy 1 Table of Contents 1  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 3 OVERVIEW…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 3.1 SECURITY AND RESILIENCE – KEY TRENDS IN CYBER INCIDENTS……………..…………………..9 3.2 A HOLISTIC VIEW ON RESILIENCE AND SECURITY – ROLE OF REGULATORS…………..12 3.2.1  Category 1: Natural disasters……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 3.2.2  Category 2: Natural…

  • The Changing World of Mobile Communications

    5G, 6G and the Future of Digital Services This is the title of a new peer-reviewed book which has been published online on 23 October by Palgrave MacMillan. It can be downloaded on my website in the download section and the open-source link at For this book, edited by Petri Ahokangas and Annabeth Aagaard,…

  • How policy and regulatory approaches can be de-siloed in a digital ecosystem ready for a 6G world

    This is a short preview of my contribution to a highly topical book: “The Changing World of Mobile Communications – 5G, 6G and the Future of Digital Services”, Palgrave Macmillan, Editors Petri Ahokangas and Annabeth Aagaard, University of Oulu and Aarhus University. Planned publication date: 7 October 2023. Chapter: “Toward Anticipatory Regulation and Beyond” Authors:…

  • Innovation and Regulation in the Digital Communications Field

      The Regulatory Journey from a European Perspective  A Discussion Paper authored by Dr. Georg Serentschy   Revised and updated version August 02, 2021 This article is also available as a pdf-version under the tab „Download“     Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Executive Summary 3. Drivers behind the relationship between innovation and regulation…

  • ITS Webinar on Open Strategic Autonomy (OSA) on January 27, 2021

    In this article, I provide a review and summary of the ITS webinar on Open Strategic Autonomy (OSA) on January 27, 2021. The entire webinar can be watched here. The topic of OSA was discussed by five experts in the form of a panel discussion moderated by me: Thibaut Kleiner – European Commission, Dr. Paul…

  • Das neue Telekomgesetz – Prüfstein für eine konsistente und zukunftssichere Infrastruktur- und Digitalpolitik in Österreich

    Der neue Europäische Rechtsrahmen für die Telekomindustrie European Electronic Communications Code – EECC muss in jedem Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Union in das jeweilige nationale Telekomgesetz (TKG) übernommen werden. Dies ist auch eine passende Gelegenheit dieses wichtige nationale Gesetzeswerk umfassend zu reformieren und damit den Grundstein für eine zukunftssichere Infrastruktur-, Standort- und Digitalpolitik in Österreich zu…

  • Mobile operators in the vendor dilemma

    Contribution to the discussion Georg Serentschy, 2 September 2020   The global trade war between the USA and China has placed mobile network operators in a serious dilemma. The politically motivated moves against Huawei significantly limit their options for action. Will openRAN (in a nutshell, a combination of “white label” hardware and specialized software, enabling…

  • COVID-19 triggered challenges for the telecom sector

    How policy makers, regulators and telecom operators are coping with the crisis Summary of a report by Georg Serentschy The eminent social and economic importance of resilient telecom networks, with sufficient capacity and resources even under unexpected stress, is strikingly demonstrated by the COVID-19 crisis for governments, regulators, the economy and citizens. In many countries,…

  • WiFi6 and 5G – “WiFi Goes Cellular”

      Competition vs. Complementarity White Paper by Georg Serentschy 13 January 2020 DISCLAIMER: This document does not claim to give a complete and detailed picture of the ongoing discussion. Rather, essential discussion and conflict areas are briefly described in order to provide an overview of the state of the debate with the least bias possible.…

  • Die Umsetzung des European Electronic Communications Code EECC („The Code“) und die Implikationen für das neue Telekom Gesetz in Österreich

    Vorwort: Dieser Beitrag richtet sich primär an die politische Gestaltungsebene in Österreich und appelliert an die Verantwortungsträger, die digitale Infrastrukturpolitik im Interesse der Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft in Österreich ausgehend von den Zielen des EECC aktiv zu gestalten. Dafür sollen alle denkbaren Spielräume bei der Umsetzung des EECC in nationales Recht soweit wie möglich genutzt werden.…

  • A new Public Policy approach for the European Telecoms Industry

    The challenge of digitalisation: The economy, society and citizens face a challenge at global level—digitalisation. Impacting all areas of life and work, this phenomenon will result in a tremendous upheaval. Such a prediction doesn’t require any extraordinary forecasting abilities; all of us, from the individual to society at large, are already caught up in this…

  • Europe deserves the fast lane

    Europe’s people and economy deserve the fast lane! A New Regulatory Paradigm for the Digital Industry in Europe Current situation: White smoke rose over Brussels, as it were, when on 6 June 2018 negotiations over the new telecoms regulatory framework, EECC, were completed. Despite the massive changes in the digital sector over the last decade, the last…

  • European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) — Back to Square One
    Contribution to the discussion

      The negotiations over the EECC are in the final stages. Among many well-informed observers, the developments up to now are raising serious doubts as to whether the anticipated outcome will be in line with the original, appropriate intentions of the European Commission. One of the objectives, clearly, was to substantially improve connectivity within the…

  • Europe, Quo vadis?

    Thoughts on a vision for Europe – centralism vs. subsidiarity Essay by Georg Serentschy Amidst the dramatic repercussions of the 2008 global financial crisis, Austrian journalism giant Hugo Portisch wrote the following in a 2011 book entitled “What Now?”: The world is coming apart at the seams. The situation is serious. It would seem justified…

  • Europa, quo vadis?

    Hugo Portisch schrieb 2011 – mitten in den dramatischen Nachwirkungen der Finanzkrise 2008 – in seinem Buch „Was jetzt?“: „Die Welt ist aus den Fugen. Die Lage ist ernst. Die Frage scheint berechtigt: Ist Europa noch zu retten? Unsere Währung, der Euro? Wer hat eigentlich diese EU erfunden? Wer und weshalb? Ist man uns da…

  • Perspectives of the European debate on Net Neutrality and Zero-Rating – can BEREC square the circle?

    This note aims to highlight some aspects of the European Net Neutrality debate and its future perspectives after BEREC has released its “Draft Guidelines on the implementation by National Regulators of European Net Neutrality rules”. Consultation of these draft Guidelines closed recently and BEREC is set to present the final version of its Guidelines by…

  • Some thoughts on a better aligned European Industrial Telecom Policy

    This paper aims to provide food for thought for a better alignment of the European Industrial Telecom Policy against the background of the creation of a Digital Single Market in Europe. 1. Opportunity: The digital economy offers significant opportunities for Europe in terms of economic growth, innovation, technological development and social benefit. These opportunities have…

  • GROUP20 explores fresh telecom policy ideas

    Friday 27. March 2015, Magnus Franklin, a Brussels based senior telecom journalist published an article in MLex on how the European Commission is testing novel forums for gathering fresh outside ideas for their telecom ruling, aiming at sidestepping the trench warfare that up to now characterizes Brussels battles over telecom rules. In his article Magnus…

  • Gearing Up for Regulation 2.0 (InterMEDIA March 2015 Vol 43 Issue 1)

    The European telecoms sector is faced with significant challenges in terms of rapidly emerging new technologies and new forms of competition and business models driven by these technology changes. The year 2015 will be pivotal for European policymakers, regulators and competition watchdogs to improve the environment for the European telecoms sector and to enable more…