This area is adapted thematically and in terms of content depending on current developments and requests from my clients. Topical contributions can also be found in the “Press” and “My Thinking” sections.
More subjects will follow depending on current developments and requests from my clients.
Out of a Brown Bag Lunch
Our volatile environment calls for ad-hoc initiatives

I am a founding member of a group of like-minded consultants across Europe who discuss new solutions and approaches in response to emerging challenges. In our weekly virtual “Brown bag lunch” meetings we exchange ideas and thoughts on current issues and developments. On this LinkedIn website, we make available lessons learned from our discussions and encourage engagement with a wider audience:
COVID-19 triggered challenges for the telecom sector
How policy makers, regulators and telecom operators are coping with the crisis. COVID-19 turned the management agenda upside-down

The eminent social and economic importance of resilient telecom networks, with sufficient capacity and resources even under unexpected stress, is strikingly demonstrated by the COVID-19 crisis for governments, regulators, the economy and citizens. In many countries, this crisis has also brought about a surge in digitization in all areas overnight as it were. Projects that had been in the drawers of decision makers for years were implemented in a few weeks because it simply […]
Cybersecurity Policy Challenges
This field remains on the top of the priority list of the C-suite

Companies are typically faced with a complex set of cybersecurity challenges:
- Securing a global supply chain against the background of volatile and constantly changing restrictions
- Managing a multivendor ecosystem creates additional challenges, for example interoperability, different kind of limitations for certain vendors, etc.
- Compliance with national and EU rules, for example the German security catalogue, prepared by the BSI and the BNetzA
- What kind of technical mitigation measures are available and effective?
- How effective are technical mitigation measures against the background of the blurring dividing line between core and edges in a 5G network architecture?
- Politics increasingly calls for a sourcing concept based on “trusted vendors” – how can a company measure trust?
- Stretch between technical requirements/limitations and political influence
- Managing simultaneously technical issues and the political layer with many interdependencies.
Regulation 2.0 – The Virtuous Circle
Regulation is the single most important factor for value creation

This book describes how new policies in three areas – sector-specific regulation, innovation and investment – can boost the European ICT sector. They form a virtuous circle, in which regulation creates the framework for an innovative and investment-friendly environment. It can also help to reach the Digital Agenda targets.
For more information visit “the virtuous circle“, download my book and watch my promotion video here.